Haidilao Hot Pot Century City is a great place to eat delicious Chinese hot pot in Los Angeles. Good service along with professional service quality is the main point that helps customers come here in large numbers. Today, let’s join Haidilao US to find out detailed information about Haidilao Hot Pot Century City.
Haidilao Hot Pot Century CityInfo

The restaurant is located in Westfield Century City and has information about phone numbers, addresses, maps, and opening times as follows.
Ordering Telephones : (424) 382-1234
Address: 10250 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 2610, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/DsPAU7pxKdBaLY3k7
Haidilao Hot Pot Century City Menu

Still familiar typical dishes of the Haidilao chain.
For details, you can refer to Menu Haidilao USA for details, there are instructions for ordering in groups of 2, 4, 6, 8 or more.
Frequently asked questions Haidilao Hot Pot Century City
What are the menu charges?
How make a reservation ?
Are customers allowed to bring their own wine?
But frequently asked questions like this have been answered by Haidilao Us in the article, please refer to it
One of the concerns of customers about Haidilao Hot Pot Century City as well as other branches of Haidilao has been summarized by Haidilao Vietnam in an article. You can refer to it to answer your questions about the Haidilao hot pot system!
View more: Haidilao Hot Pot City of Industry